Camellia Sinensis ´s infusion of the leaves is :
very beneficial for the health of the body and also it is beneficial for psyche
It is antimutagenic, anti-carcinogenic and antioxidant. It contains, among others, also caffeine, oil and poly phenols (more in detail flavonoids and catechins) . Poly phenols in the tea (mistakenly labeled as tannins) create the astringent and bitter taste on the tongue, after leaching, which stimulates the salivary glands.
Green tea contains vitamins but it cannot replace varied diet.
It strengthens the walls of blood vessels and it increases their flexibility.
It acts as a mildly bactericidal agent in a gastrointestinal tract and it also prevents the tooth decay.
The tea also helps digestion and emulsification of fats.
Caffeine accelerates reactions, increases alertness and improves the focus (concentration).
Compared with coffee, the caffeine and substances linked to it has smoother therefore slower and longer lasting effect in the tea.
The tea stimulates secretion of digestive juices, urine, and it boosts your metabolism.
Blood flow of the coronary arteries also improves with the consumption, which helps to prevent heart attack (infarct) and it reduces the blood pressure when being long-term used.
The green and the semi- fermented teas and pu-er therefore support weight loss and reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.
Green tea has less astringent effects than the black tea, therefore it is suitable for consumers with slower peristalsis.
Overall the tea improves immune functions , intercellular communication and it inhibits the carcinogenic cellular processes.
Processing and absorption of the food depends, among others, on the sufficiency of the water and on the state of the intestinal microflora , which produces hormones regulating fat storage and at least one neurotransmitter , through which the hormones can influence the state of mind.
Therefore it is possible to support your health on many levels with a quality tea :
- it inhibits intestinal lipase
- it blocks the differentiation and proliferation of fat cells
- it stimulates lipolysis (fat loss)
- it decreases lipoperoxidation of saturated fatty acids (the oxidation of fatty acids is dangerous because it supports the development of artherosclerosis)
- it stimulates thermogenesis (heat release)
- it is a powerful cellular antioxidant (it protects cells from the damage)